
01 Microcontrollers: The Basics

  1. Computer & Processor: major; Microcontroller: minor, single-task

  2. Connects to breadboard or embed in chips like Nano 33 Iot.

  3. Terms:

    1. GPIO: general purpose input and output
    2. BIOS: basic input-output systems
    3. VCC: Voltage Common Collector

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  4. Microcontrollers: bootloaders; Q: what’s a separate hardware programmer

    Programs for any processors fall into a few different classes: firmware, bootloaders, basic input-output systems, and operating systems.

    Bootloaders and BIOSes are often called firmware because they’re loaded into the flash memory of the processor itself.

    A processor, whether microcontroller or multimedia processor, can’t operate alone. It needs support components. For a microcontoller, you need at least a voltage regulator and usually an external clock called a crystal.

  5. Arduino is development board, not activity board.

02 Microcontroller Pin Functions

  1. pin multiplexing: often one pin will have more than one function.

  2. Configuration

    1. Pulse Width Modulation, is a technique for getting analog results with digital means.

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03 Sensors: The Basics

  1. Sensors other than switches and pushbuttons are analog sensors, because they read a variable change.
  2. Resistive Sensors: turn into resistance.
  3. ranging sensors: read a range of distance
  4. MEMS Sensors: micro, mechanic. “accelerometers”.
  5. Digital Interface Sensors: resistance-to-voltage or capacitance-to-voltage circuit.